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Peripheral Blood Film (PBF) 血片检验

A thin smear is made of the blood, stained with special dye and examined under the microscope. The normal red blood cells are described as normochromic(normal colour) and normocytic (normal size).

PH 反应

The urine can be acidic or alkaline depending on our food intake and the time of the day the sample is taken. The types of crystals detected in the urine will vary with the reaction of the urine.

Phosphate 无机磷

Phosphate is primarily involved in bone metabolism. High levels are seen in normal children with active bone growth. Patients with kidney failure or bone disease also have high phosphate levels.

Platelets 血小板

Platelets are small cytoplasmic fragments of the megakaryocytes which are found in the bone marrow. They play a major role in normal blood clotting and bleeding prevention. Platelet count below 50x109/l is associated with prolonged clotting and bleeding times, bleeding into the skin and tissue is seen in patients with leukemia, ITP and dengue haemorrhagic fever.

Protein 蛋白质

Protein in the urine usually indicates the presence of kidney disorder and should be present in every sample. Small amount of protein may be present in concentrated urine of normal person and also after strenuous exercise.

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